Ostomy Association of South Texas

Why a support group?


Ostomy surgery can cause feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, shame, depression and isolation.  The cause of these feelings is complex and so is the solution.  When you feel like doing nothing, you need to DO SOMETHING.  No matter what the problem, you have to help yourself; there is no one who can do it for you.  Facing the unknown is daunting, but knowing there are people to talk to, people who have gone through what you are experiencing, can make these changes less frightening.  Our ostomy support group is just that. We share experiences, both good and bad, and ways we have dealt with them.  These suggestions may give you some ideas how to solve your problem but, that is where the YOU doing something comes in.

The Ostomate's Bill of Right's

It is the objective of the International Ostomy Association that all ostomates shall have the right to a satisfactory quality of life after surgery and that this charter shall be realized in all countries of the world.

The Ostomate Shall:

Receive preoperative counseling to ensure that they are fully aware of the benefits of the operation and the essential facts about living with a stoma.

ave a well-constructed stoma placed at an appropriate site, and with full and proper consideration to the comfort of the patient.

eceive experienced and professional medical support and stoma nursing care in the preoperative and postoperative period both in hospital and in their community.

eceive full and impartial information about all relevant supplies and products available in their country.

ave the opportunity to choose from the available variety of ostomy management products without prejudice or constraint.

e given information about their National Ostomy Association and the  services and support which can be provided.

eceive support and information for the benefit of the family, personal careers, and friends to increase their understanding of the conditions and adjustments, which are necessary for achieving a satisfactory standard of life with a stoma.

eceive assurance that personal information regarding ostomy surgery will be treated with discretion and confidentiality to maintain privacy.

Issued by the IOA Coordination Committee June1993.   Revised June1997 and April 2003.